Accessible surveys – have your say
Here is some news of a couple of worthwhile surveys relevant to disability responsiveness:
It’s not too late to take the simple and accessible DRNZ survey of just nine questions. We want to find out what people think about the need for greater levels of disability responsiveness in all sectors of Aotearoa New Zealand. We’re still collecting responses and welcome your input at
We will be collating all responses to the survey in a couple of weeks and will feature the findings in the December issue of Newsworthy.
DRNZ recently facilitated a series of ten forums for Workbridge throughout New Zealand. The purpose of the forums was to engage with disabled people about the barriers they face to employment and how Workbridge can help reduce these. Workbridge also asked the community how they want services delivered in future.
A survey which features the questions workshopped at the forums, is available at:
The survey is open until 16 December so why not log on and check it out. We promise it will only take 5 minutes of your time, unless of course you wish to provide additional feedback.