Navigating Together

As many of you know, I have completed PhD level research which focused on leadership and management of the disability sector by disabled people ourselves.

Through my involvement in United Blind Leaders, I recently became aware of a blog highlighting not only disability leadership, but also interdependence, which is of far greater value than ‘so called’ independence.

The following blog is reproduced with the permission of the Author: Dr. Conchita Hernández Legorreta, Educational Consultant

"Navigating Together: Empowering Blind Leaders to Lead the Way"

Jan 28

Can the blind really lead the blind? One of my recent experiences confirmed that not only should we, but it is the only way!

I was asked by the Institute of International Education if I would serve as a support to a blind participant that was taking part in a program they were running. She would be pursuing a masters program at a university, which would be holding an orientation week in DC. Many organizations and government agencies run programs inviting international participants for cultural exchanges and experiences in the United States. While some programs are focused on individuals with disabilities, many are not, and people with disabilities should be able to participate in any and all programs.

The Institute of International Education explained that the blind participant was coming from abroad and it would be their first time in the United States. I don’t think they initially realized that I was also blind. I wrote to them that I would actually be a great fit because of my blindness. The point I made to them was that as a blind person living in DC, I could do a great job of showing another blind person how to navigate the city, share tips and pointers, as well as networks and resources. I was not sure if this was going to fly with them, as oftentimes organizations prefer “sighted professionals” who will keep the blind person “safe”. (I once interviewed virtually for a teaching job that told me I was the perfect fit. When I mentioned that I would be the perfect fit as I am blind, just like the students, I was immediately told that they do not hire blind people. Yes, it was against the law. And, yes, it still happens.)

To my excitement (and surprise), The Institute of International Education agreed that I would be great for this role and we moved forward with our DC day visit.

I met the participant, whom we will call Mia, at her hotel. She had planned where she wanted to go and what she wanted to do. However, she did not know the area at all or how to navigate it. The reality of blindness is that there is so much learning of blindness skills that is required to do basic things, such as navigating and finding new places, and it is difficult to come by such training. Likewise, many infrastructural and accessibility components may not exist in other countries, such as Accessible Pedestrian Signals (APS), whereas they do in the United States. You may have seen these around, they are the buttons that you press to cross the street and they make a sound for blind people.

One of the things we worked on was how to cross streets as we walked from her hotel to the metro station to get to all of our destinations. We talked about how the buttons work to cross the street, the different types of canes that exist, and how to cross using parallel traffic when no button is available. Our first stop was Target! There were several things that she needed in order to start her masters program. I asked her if she had ever asked for assistance in a store. She had not, she had always relied on others to do shopping for her. I explained to her that in the United States, you can go to the Customer Service section in a store and ask for a person working there to assist you in shopping. I told her I would be with her but would not speak at all. After some guidance from me on how to approach Customer Service and how it worked, she asked for assistance and learned to ask follow-up questions. In the beginning, Mia was not getting the exact item she wanted, but once we practiced how to ask more precise questions, she found exactly what worked for her. For Mia, it was a huge milestone to do this task for the first time ever and it will continue to serve her as she completes her program. We celebrated her achievement with a large lemonade!

We also talked about how to access books, what people she might want to connect with while in D.C., and what resources are available to her. We visited the White House, did touristy things, and shared with each other how we do things as blind people. By the end of the day, we were exhausted and decided to take a cab back to the hotel, as we had been using the metro all day!

This experience reaffirmed my belief that the best people to support blind people are other blind people. That is not to take away from sighted professionals who serve a purpose and can be amazing. But nothing will ever surpass the experience of seeing yourself reflected in someone else and to learn from each other. This reminds me of interdependence.

One of the tenets of Disability Justice is interdependence. The idea that we are not independent isolated beings, but rather, rely on each other to be a part of a community. People with disabilities have needs, as does everyone else, and we all give and take. For many blindness professionals, independence tends to be the main goal, and sometimes to the detriment of the individual. By being interdependent, we build community, trust, and strong social networks. What does interdependence look like in the real world? Interdependence in the real world looks like spending a day in D.C. hanging out, taking the metro, trying new things, and exchanging ideas!

S1E7 – In conversation with Graeme Innes and Jonathan Mosen

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Graeme Innes

Graeme Innes AM is a lawyer, author, and company director. He is the Chancellor of Central Queensland University, a member of the board of the National Disability Insurance Agency, and a member of the board of the State Insurance Regulatory Authority of NSW.

Graeme’s autobiography Finding a Way achieved popular acclaim in 2016.

He has been a human rights practitioner for more than forty years, and is a conference presenter and facilitator. Graeme was a Commissioner at the Australian Human Rights Commission for nine years, responsible for issues relating to disability, race and human rights. On the international stage, he was a member of the Australian delegation that participated in negotiating the UN Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities. Since 2014, Graeme has received four Honorary Doctorates in recognition of his human rights advocacy. Graeme is married with two children, loves cricket as a spectator and sailing as a participant, and relaxes by enjoying fine Australian white wine.

Jonathan Mosen

Jonathan Mosen is a well-known advocate for accessibility features in computer and other technology for people who are blind, deaf-blind, or have low vision. Over the years, Jonathan has remained actively committed to his advocacy work, often speaking at conferences, participating in forums, and contributing to relevant discussions.

Before recently joining the National Federation of the Blind (NFB) in the United States Jonathan held the position of Workbridge Chief Executive Officer for five years. Workbridge is the largest employment agency for disabled people in New Zealand, and works to locate paid work for people with a variety of physical, sensory, and learning impairments, including people experiencing mental distress.

Jonathan has made significant contributions to accessibility as a writer, speaker, and advocate. He has been involved in efforts to improve the usability of various technologies, including software, hardware, and websites. His work has often involved collaborating with tech companies to ensure their products are inclusive and accessible for all. He has also authored several books and articles on accessibility and technology. His writings focus on provision of practical advice to users who are blind, deaf-blind, or have low vision. Jonathan is well known internationally for his work on two podcasts: "Mosen At Large" and “Living Blindfully”. These podcasts cover a wide range of topics focusing on technology and other matters affecting blind and deaf-blind people, and the vision impaired community. These podcasts have been highly praised world-wide for their in-depth content, such as discussions and insights into a range of accessibility issues.

Jonathan currently produces a technology podcast called “Access On”, for the NFB. Jonathan Mosen’s contributions to the field of accessibility continue to have a significant impact on improving the lives of individuals who are blind, deaf-blind, or vision impaired; his ongoing work continues to shape the way technology is designed, developed and used worldwide.

Podcast chapters
[00:00] Introduction – Disability Disrupters Podcast
[00:21] Introduction to Podcast Guests
[01:07] Interview with Podcast guests
[55:12] Dr Pam discussing what’s on her mind
[59:28] Ask Dr Pam
[01:00:53] Goodbye from Dr Pam
[01:01:13] Podcast Donations request

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S1E6 – Interviews with Paula Jessop and Mark Cook

Paula Jessop is an autistic woman and autistic rights advocate. She lives in Tauranga with her cat.
Paula has been involved with autism self-advocacy for many years in New Zealand. She was an integral part of guiding Altogether Autism to become a more inclusive organisation as their first Autistic advisor. She has played a role in shifting the language in the autism sector, along with promoting the importance of knowledge gained from lived experience.
In systemic advocacy Paula tends to be the ‘disrupter’ who shakes up the status quo and at times she has acted as a ‘weaver’, connecting and supporting other autistic people embarking on self advocacy, in the belief that empowering others in our communities to have a ‘voice’, benefits us all. Paula continues to shift between social change roles and has an attitude that it’s worth trying anything, big or small, to see if it creates change.

Mark Cook
Hello, my name is Mark I am 38-years old, I live in Bramhall, which is a suburb of Stockport in Greater Manchester. I live with my parents, Ann and Keith and I have an older brother called Peter who is a teacher in London.
I went to mainstream school in Bramhall and then I went to college. After college I had a job with a training company as an administration assistant. I was there for eleven years until 2020 when I was made redundant due to the pandemic. I now have another job at a recruitment company in Manchester and I work there one day a week. I have been there for nearly a year and I am really enjoying it.
On two other days I go to an animation workshop where I can create short cartoon style films and to a radio station where we research topics and discuss them. The recordings are then posted on the internet. Both of these activities are with an organisation called Pure Innovations.
My hobbies are films, reading and listening to music and I love eating out.
I have Down’s Syndrome and I am deaf in my right ear, but those things do not get in the way of me doing anything.
During lockdown I began writing a film blog and I have carried on since then! The link to the blog is given below in case you are interested.

Podcast Chapters
[00:00] Introduction – Disability Disrupters Podcast
[00:20] Introduction to Podcast Guests – Paula and Mark
[00:57] Advert – Disability Responsiveness New Zealand (DRNZ)
[01:21] Interview with Paula Jessop
[31:00] Dr Pam discussing goals
[34:14] Podcast seeking contributions from Listeners
[34:45] Dr Pam introduces Mark Cook
[35:09] Interview with Mark Cook
[46:27] Podcast Donations request – Tipjar
[47:29] Goodbye from Dr Pam

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S1E5 – Interview with Dr Peter Wheeler

Episode Notes

Dr Peter Wheeler worked in the UK nuclear engineering field until loosing his sight at the age of 38. After going blind he went to university and gained a first class honours degree in business and management. He then went on to undertake a Ph.D. at Warwick university. Peter then undertook research projects at both Warwick and Salford universities before finally taking a full time role as senior lecturer at Edge Hill university.

“When first approached to be interviewed for the disability disrupters podcast, my initial instinct was to decline the offer. The reason is that I do not engage in social media which appears particularly toxic and a generally unpleasant environment to be involved with. I held similar views on podcasts not really believing most served any useful purpose other than to provide a boost to the ego of people who really don’t need or deserve their ego’s to be enhanced. However, on reflection I decided to rethink my beliefs. This is because I began to relive the feelings and emotions I went through when I first became blind, and the hopelessness coupled with feelings of uselessness which accompanied my loss of sight. The future appeared bleak with little hope of ever working again. At that time, I did not know of any other blind people or how anybody else had managed the transition between being sighted and blind. Having another person’s description of how they managed to live with and overcome many of the fears and anxieties which accompany sudden loss of sight would have been a significant help in understanding my own situation. Hence, I have agreed to join the disability disrupters podcast in the simple hope that if only one person listens to the episode and it provides them with even a thought of the slightest prospect for a brighter future, then participation would have been worthwhile."
Dr Peter Wheeler

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Disability Responsiveness New Zealand offers personalised mentoring and workshops, view the content of these at

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S1E4 – Interview with Liel Bridgford

Episode Notes for the Interview with Liel Bridgford

I am a Psychologist, writer, educator, and podcaster based in Naarm and who uses she/they pronouns. I am a proud disabled, immigrant, gender fluid femme, and my work is centered on inclusive, accessible and holistic support and education. I have been recognised as an ABC TOP 5 Arts resident, served as the 2022 Editor of Writing Place Magazine, and was a 2023 Melbourne Access and Inclusion Award finalist. I have facilitated presentations and workshops across Australia and internationally, and was published and featured widely.
In the past year, I founded Kultivate to advance wellbeing, equity, inclusion, and disability justice. Kultivate provides a space where disabled individuals can access mental health support and education delivered by professionals with lived experiences. By educating professionals, Kultivate improves the lives of disabled people globally. Kultivate’s mission is rooted in equity, community, mindfulness, and empowerment. My vision through Kultivate is to create an equitable and inclusive society where all disabled and multiply marginalised people thrive.
In the little free time I get, I enjoy singing along to the Frozen soundtrack with my kids and try to keep up with social media at @LielKBridgford.

Find the podcast here: or any major podcast platforms.

To connect with me, find me on Instagram:

Find my writing, interviews and more here:

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S1E3 – Interview with Barry de Geest

Episode Notes

Barry De Geest is a dedicated advocate and activist within the New Zealand disability community. He has worked throughout his life to further the aims of disabled citizens to achieve self-determination, choice and control. Barry is an active supporter of the Enabling Good Lives Approach.
Barry’s commitment to the sector is evident through his numerous initiatives, particularly through his establishment of the Renaissance Group, which aims to promote accessibility and inclusivity. His insights and dedication have not only raised awareness of the barriers faced by disabled New Zealanders in areas such as housing and employment, but has also assisted to foster a more inclusive society where all people can thrive.
Barry’s work extends beyond organisational involvement. He has been a vocal advocate in public forums, using his platform to educate and motivate others. His passion and persistence have garnered respect from many in the disability sector, making him a pivotal figure in the New Zealand disability rights movement. His efforts serve as a testament to the power of advocacy, and the importance of disabled leadership.

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Disability Responsiveness New Zealand offers personalised mentoring and workshops, view the content of these at

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Paying our way

While I was suspicious of payWave to begin with, since when these were introduced one had no choice but to have the chips included on payment cards, I now recognise that this is the best method for blind and vision impaired people to pay for purchases. This is because it is the only way we can preserve our independence and critically, our privacy, since we have no way of knowing if someone is looking over our shoulders while we enter our pins.

Tactile card readers with physical buttons are increasingly being replaced with flat screen readers. This means blind and vision impaired people have no way of working out where specific numbers are on the screen. Since the banks and others including police continually remind us not to give our pin number out to others, even trusted friends, what choice will we have if we can’t use the card reader independently or have to pay a percentage of the purchase price in ridiculous and greedy additional charges.

Additionally, the trend of including a question on card readers about including a tip is wrong. Again, if blind or vision impaired people wish not to pay this, they will have to tell the café or restaurant owner they do not wish to tip, which may be difficult for the less assertive among us, particularly if we then have to ask for their help to use the inaccessible card reader.

While I and others are prepared to use cash to avoid this greedy, rapacious price gouging, many businesses will not accept cash, even though this remains legal tender. Furthermore, government is increasingly pushing to have cash removed as a payment option in-store. Whereas, if we truly live in a democracy, we should have the choice about what payment method we use ourselves.

Put simply I do not believe any charges should be added for the use of PayWave, neither do I believe we should be allowing tipping to sneak into our commercial sector. All this leads to is people being underpaid and expected to make up their salary with tips.

Disabled people continue to be shut out of leadership positions

Throughout my five years PhD research on the topic of barriers and enablers to employment for disabled people within the disability sector, I have been constantly struck by the paucity of sector leaders world-wide. This issue continues to be front of mind for me, and is a major reason for my starting the Disability Disrupters podcast, published on the 1st of each month. The recent discussion about vision Australia’s failure to run an open recruitment process for its new Chief Executive Officer (CEO) reminds me that, we’re not there yet.

Here’s the text of an open letter to Vision Australia Directors, from Blind Citizens Australia:

“26 August 2024

To Vision Australia directors,

We, the undersigned blind and vision-impaired individuals and our supporters, express our dismay regarding the decision to appoint a new Chief Executive Officer (CEO) through an internal Expression of Interest (EOI) process. As Australia’s largest provider of blindness services, Vision Australia has a responsibility to ensure its leadership reflects the lived experience of our community. We urge the Board to reconsider this approach and commit to an external search, prioritizing the appointment of the organization’s first blind CEO.

The final report of Australia’s Disability Royal Commission underscores the need for inclusive and representative leadership in organizations serving people with disability. It states, “Leadership should reflect the diversity of the community it serves, including the lived experiences of people with disabilities.” The report emphasizes that effective advocacy and leadership require that people with disabilities lead, ensuring their voices shape policy and service delivery.

While we acknowledge the talent within Vision Australia and its commitment to employing blind and vision-impaired staff, most work in client-facing and middle management roles, lacking the executive experience required for the CEO position. By opting for an internal EOI process, Vision Australia risks missing the opportunity to appoint an experienced, progressive leader with fresh perspectives capable of advancing the organization.

A blind CEO would not only bring invaluable lived experience but also serve as a powerful symbol of empowerment for the community. Such a leader would be uniquely positioned to address client needs, implement necessary changes, and drive the organization’s mission forward with genuine insight and authority.

Unemployment remains a significant barrier for blind and vision-impaired individuals. A 2019 World Blind Union survey found only 24% of blind Australians were in full-time employment, lagging behind countries like New Zealand and Canada. Additionally, pathways to executive leadership for blind and vision-impaired talent are limited. Appointing a blind CEO would demonstrate Vision Australia’s commitment to providing an open, inclusive process and addressing these disparities.

We appreciate the board’s intent to maintain momentum and ensure continuity. However, an external search is essential for transparency and inclusivity, especially given it has been 11.5 years since the role was last advertised. An internal EOI process may not fully capture the diverse perspectives required for effective leadership. The Disability Royal Commission called for “transparent and merit-based processes that value the perspectives of people with disabilities,” aligning with an external recruitment approach.

We respectfully urge the Vision Australia Board to revoke its decision for an internal EOI process and undertake an external search, committing to appoint a blind or vision-impaired leader as CEO. This will demonstrate the Board’s dedication to promoting the employment of blind people and meeting current expectations for disability leadership.

We hope our concerns will be considered, and we look forward to a process that reflects the principle of “nothing about us without us” and the high standards Vision Australia strives to uphold.”

I strongly urge disabled people, and our allies, to sign this petition started by Graeme Innes, supporting this open Letter:

S1E2 – Interview with Amos Miller

Amos Miller, the Founder and CEO of Glidance, is a trailblazer in the field of assistive technology. After losing his sight in his 20s due to a genetic eye condition, Amos embarked on a mission to revolutionize mobility for the blind and vision impaired. With over 25 years of experience, most notably at Microsoft Research, Amos has been at the forefront of developing ground-breaking assistive products using augmented reality and robotics. He is the founder of Microsoft Soundscape, an innovative audio augmented reality navigation app that has empowered countless individuals with sight loss. Amos’s dedication to accessibility and innovation drives Glidance’s mission to provide safe, independent navigation solutions, paving the way for a more inclusive future.

Amos says: “We are building Glide out in the open with the community and encourage anyone who is interested to engage with us to register on our website We hold regular virtual demos for new gliders where you can meet the team, learn about the product and our plans, and get your questions answered live by our team. You can write to us with your questions and thoughts, and in addition we hold a monthly zoom call on the last Wednesday of every month where we have more advanced in-depth conversations.”

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S1E1 – Episode 1 – Interview with Valerie Smith

Welcome to Disability Disrupters, the podcast about disabled people disrupting the ways in which others view us and our lives, which is often very far from the reality. The podcast is published on the first of each month, and features disability news, views, and interviews with disabled people from around the world, who have used their initiative to carve out successful lives for themselves, despite the often relentless negativity expressed about us by others, perpetuated by social and mainstream media. The podcast illustrates that it is possible to live a rich life with disability, and features information and advice from a range of disabled people who have done just that.

Transcription – S1E1-Interview with Valerie Smith (25 kb txt file)

Valerie Smith is a distinguished New Zealand disability activist.

As a senior figure in the disability community, she has been a pivotal force in numerous landmark achievements which have shaped the landscape of awareness, responsiveness, and support to disabled people.

Her dedication to championing our rights has earned her a respected place in New Zealand’s history of social justice and equality.

Throughout her career, Valerie has actively participated in the development and implementation of policies aimed at improving the quality of life for disabled people. She has been instrumental in advocating for accessibility in public spaces, inclusive education, and equitable employment opportunities.

Valerie’s unwavering commitment to disability equity has inspired many, and continues to drive progress towards a more inclusive and just society for disabled New Zealanders.

FreakyFwoof Shorts audio, copyright Andre Louis.


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