Disability Responsiveness Education and Training for All

Do your staff understand disability issues? Are they confident about responding to disabled people? Do they know what is appropriate disability related terminology and language? Disability Responsiveness New Zealand (DRNZ) is here to help you to build and sustain disability confidence and the competence to work effectively with the one-in-four New Zealanders who experience disability issues.

Pam on stage giving a presentation and thanking various people for their support.

Photo of audience at Expressions Arts and Entertainment Centre with Pam presenting

At Disability Responsiveness New Zealand, we can:

  • Produce and facilitate disability responsiveness workshops – training for staff to ensure they are confident to respond to the needs of disabled customers or clients. Customers with some type of impairment comprise twenty-five percent of the total New Zealand population and this represents a largely untapped market of significant size. By ensuring your staff are equipped to respond to the needs of disabled people, your business could open its doors to even more customers.
  • Assist with service monitoring – provision of specialist expertise for disability sector audits.
  • Organise and facilitate focus groups and forums relating to all aspects of living with disability. This includes bringing groups of disabled people together to discuss significant disability sector issues; or to review and provide feedback about commercially available goods and services.
  • Assist with writing and research –relevant to the disability sector.
  • Provide disability related advice and information – to all sectors of society.

For expert assistance with disability equity and responsiveness issues, or if you have a question and want to contact us, use the booking form on the workshop page