Welcome to Disability Responsiveness New Zealand

Disability Disrupters Podcast

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Who we are and What we do

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For our new visitors, please let me briefly introduce you to Disability Responsiveness New Zealand Ltd (DRNZ). DRNZ was established in 2016 to provide:

Pam is wearing a silver fern necklace.

The focus of DRNZ is on the provision of professionally delivered, disability-responsiveness education and training, to as many New Zealanders as possible, in the most cost-effective manner possible. This focus includes provision of education and training for disabled people, by disabled people, in such diverse areas as life action planning, thinking and acting strategically and working collectively. Owner and Managing Director: Pam MacNeill, has over 27 years public and disability sector knowledge, skills and experience and a range of academic qualifications supporting her leadership of DRNZ.

Here at DRNZ we believe it is vital that disabled people speak for ourselves in all areas of our lives. Whether it’s choosing and working with health professionals; advocating for universal design features as standard in housing and public buildings; educating others about how to engage and respond to our need for participation; being employed in all parts of the community and critically, providing authentic leadership and management of the disability sector.

Thanks for visiting and do pop back to see what’s new


“Disability is the disadvantage or restriction of activity caused by a society which takes little or no account of people who have impairments and thus excludes them mainstream activity. Therefore, disability, like racism or sexism, is discrimination and social oppression.”

British Council of Organisations of Disabled People